Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Da Vinci Code

In the course of building my profile, I had to ponder my list of favorite books. I read mostly fiction, and about a book a week (give or take), so this was a hard one (which sounds like I'm talkin' dirty, but I ain't). I managed to list a few that, eclecticly, have delighted me in one way or another.

Thinking about my books sent me spinning about books in general, which sent me contemplating the best seller list (which juuuuust possibly might have as little to do with good reading as a Big Mac nutrition list has to do with good cooking).....which sent me to "The Da Vinci Code"

Sheesh. This book has been near the top of the list for WAY over a year, which is remarkable in that it may well be the most over-rated book in the history of publishing. Besides a convoluted plot that was less engaging than it was befuddling, the guy filled the book with deus ex machinaish resolutions. F'r example....after travelling the world to figure out the double secret probation password (I paraphrase) to an ancient container owned by the female protagonist's uncle, they finally discover that the password is.....the daughter's name. Now, besides the obvious breakage of all password security standards, did they really have to globe-trot to figure that out?

Hell, the author thinks that Leonardo's last name was "da Vinci", which actually means "of Venice"....yet some cottage industry has sprung up trying to explain all the deep secrets this guy seems to know.

Gimme the kool-aid.