Wednesday, October 12, 2005

America's Next Top Model

God help me.

I watched it.

I don't watch much television anymore (and my world is largely better for it)....furthermore I (almost always) simply refuse to watch bad television.

But....God help me. I watched Tyra Banks and "America's Next Top Model".

I watched a celebration of shallowness encrusted with naked hedonistic ambition. I watched beauty, yes...but beauty that barely made it to skin depth. I watched shallow poseurs intentionally posing -- striving to be something they are not, to please others shallower (if only atomically) than they.

I watched Tyra Banks prove that she should thank God she's not been required to talk during her long modeling career. I watched people act as if modeling were IMPORTANT -- nay, I watched people act as if modeling were The Most Important Thing In The World!

God help me.